I cry out, search for my family, my human family
Meow ..meow..meow
I cry out, search in the rubble for home
At least what used to be home
I search in the nooks and crannies of my brain for images
Images of me cuddling and purring in happier times
The rumble in the tummy doesn't hurt
It's my head that hurts, there's no more images..no more memories
I start to cry
I will never play hide n seek with my sister,
Never again chase my mother's tail
All I have left is a sad tale
Of what once was beautiful Aleppo
- Unnamed Kitten from Aleppo

Amidst the ruin and misery that has come to symbolize Aleppo in the minds of millions around the globe, rises an angel. A story of an incredible human being who stayed behind to offer comfort and a lifeline to cats left behind by people who fled or orphaned by the tragedy that has taken so many lives - human and feline. Mohammad Aljaleel is the man who has taken it upon himself to feed and nurture more than a hundred cats and kittens. Read more at this link: